Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Jamie, Light: Tennis Pro

Today is what we like to call Wednesday, Saturday. You know what's great about Wednesday, Saturday? It's Wednesday, but it feels like Saturday.

It's a national holiday here in Korea, so my friend-and-coworker Julie and I decided to play some tennis!

When it comes to exercise, there are few things I love more than playing tennis. The only problem with tennis, though, is finding other people who know how/want to play, as well. 

Julie and I have worked together for the last 9 months, but it wasn't until about a week ago that we discovered we both love tennis! Two weeks before we break for summer, and I move back to America, of course...

So upon our discovery, we set up a play date right away. Today
was our second day playing, and we're looking to play again on Saturday. Yeah for summer!!

Since I've gotten so into my blogging, I've basically been taking
pictures of anything and everything that might be Jamie, Light related. Thankfully for me, I've got a husband with some awesome
photo skills!

I loved the pictures he took so much that I just couldn't choose
which one's to use. I narrowed it down to these;) Some pretty great
action shots, eh?!

I'm not going to lie; after losing 90 pounds, seeing pictures of yourself becomes a whole new ball game. It's not that I'm vain and think that I'm totally worth everyone looking at...and it's not that I feel like I'm so awesome that people need to see a bunch of pictures of me playing tennis--but after 28 years of seeing a totally different body, this body becomes somewhat of an anomaly...and seeing it (in action, especially) is just plain cool. And THAT is what I want to share with the world.

I'm curious, though...what is your favorite fitness activity?


  1. And THAT's just fun! Guess what I did tonight? I ran (with the Wii) for 20 minutes! Had to work off 130 extra calories so I ended up working out for 3 hours! That's a 1st!

    My favorite fitness activity? S h O p P i N g? hehe or Pilate Ball sit ups & table pushups! These are exercises my personal trainer has modified for me and I actually enjoy.

  2. Hey, good for you! Running for 20 minutes is no easy feat.
    And I'm with you on shopping. I feel a whole lot less buyer's remorse knowing I'm keeping my body moving for so long;) Try it on, try it on, try it on! Haha.

  3. Awesome pictures! Congratulations on your weight loss - you look wonderful. I never did play tennis but did love to swim when I was younger. Now I am mainly a speed walker who occasionally runs!
