Saturday, April 28, 2012

Today I Feel Love

Since we've started getting quite serious about our exercise routine, Mr. Light has gotten really into running. Last weekend, JD created a weekly regimen for improving his speed and endurance, and on today's agenda was a 30 minute run. When this plan was first presented to me, I told him that I didn't know if I would be able to run the whole time, but I would love to head out with him.

Welcome to our part of the world
At the ripe hour of 7:30 this morning, we got up, took our little puppy Light outside, I ate my oats and he his protein shake, and we were out the door. (Our love for early mornings has seeped into our weekends.) It was a perfect day, too, which we haven't had many of yet. JD and I walked to the river path, turned on our music, and started pounding the pavement. I keep a pretty slow pace, at about a 10 minute mile, but for me, I'm much more concerned about the doing than the speed. I know these short little legs and asthmatic lungs aren't going to make me much of a speed-racer. (But Mr. Light is quite good, himself. I think he's what we'd call "a natural") And you know what? I never stopped! I didn't even start thinking about wanting to stop until about 26 minutes in, which is unusual for me.

I can't tell you guys enough how crazy it is to have gone from what I was to what I am in just one measly year. Being able to run for 30 minutes straight, and not hating every second of it? Being able to hold crow pose in yoga? Having muscles in my upper arms, and muscular, cellulite-free legs? Every single second of this journey has been worth it. Every struggle, stress, worry, and craving withheld. Every single bit of it. And to be honest, this journey has actually been fun. Watching all the changes in my body, my lifestyle, my inner self, and my's been fun. Knowing that I can finally truly enjoy the youthfulness in my body before it's too late; feeling like dancing at the very same time that I'm running...that's priceless. That's incredible.

Today, I'm feeling a-whole-lotta love.

What are you loving, lately?


  1. Wow ,that´s great ,interesting Post!

    Lovely greetings :)

  2. It is amazing how fast our bodies and our attitudes can change! congratulations!

  3. Cogratulations on the wt loss. Keep up the good work in longterm maintenance.

    Where was the photo of the urban river taken from. Looks like a great way place to keep in shape yet it's not getting much traffic when the pic was taken.

    1. Thank you! The photo was taken in Bundang, South Korea. It was taken around 9 or 9:30 am this past Saturday...There are usually quite a few people around, but I found a nice pause in the foot traffic during this one! It really is a very lovely area:)

      Thanks for reading!
